We went to the Iowa State Fair this weekend. Its another world and I could not wait to go. My husband was the Honorary Chef at the IA Pork Association tent! I studied the program for the day and found three things I just had to see: chicken washing and blow drying demonstration, barbed wire sculpting, and chainsaw art. Tell me, who can miss these wonders?
But once we got there I was more intrigued by the people I saw at the fair. I grew up in a dairy community so most of my friends were 4H'ers and would show at the New York State Fair. Through high school I would go to the fair because I was in the marching band. As I wandered the animal barns at the IA State Fair I was transported back to those days. I loved seeing the teenage kids next to their prized pig or cow, their cots set up next to them so they could take care of them through the night. The dedication was inspiring to me when I was a teenager and I felt that respect for them again. I suddenly wanted my son to raise a cow so he too would learn the lessons that could only be learned by this experience.
I was at the barns too long and missed the barbed wire sculpting and chain saw art. But I did see the chicken washing and blow drying! A new thing for me! They chickens loved it! They remained quiet and clam and only started to fuss when it was over. Who knew? Maybe this is why chickens cross the road?
But why? Why do they wash them? Are these pets? Or destined to be Perdue?? Poor things....